
Vocal Production/Songwriting Commissions

commission status: closed

I can provide tuned/timed vocals, topline, and/or write lyrics for your song!
EDM and orchestral genres are where I'm strongest at the moment.
Depending on what you'd like from me, prices will vary.Prices below are in USD and are for *COMMERCIAL commissions.
For personal commissions, vocals only will start at $40 per minute.
Please contact me regarding any personal projects; prices are negotiable.
Sometimes, I will take on requests, but please contact me about it.
Paid commissions will take priority over requests.

Lyrics Only$30 - 45+ depending on song complexity
Vocals Only (with tune/time)$55 per min.
Vocals & Lyrics$85+ depending on song complexity
Toplining, Vocals, & Lyrics$140+ depending on song complexity

Songs <1 min: contact me
Japanese version: +$35 (additional fees if vocals are also requested)
No tuning or timing needed: -10%
No tuning and timing needed: -20%

*If you commission me commercially, that means you plan to monetize the song on streaming services. However, there will be a different fee if you wish for copyright transfer. Please discuss this with me.

Please keep in mind that song length, how much lyrics you need me to write, etc. may subject the price to change.If harmony/adlib guides are created, there is no extra charge for vocals.
If I have to create additional harmonies/adlibs for you, it is then also an additional $5+ each layer, depending on how many harmonies/adlibs are desired.
Depending on deadlines, I may decline your request.

Click here for samples of my work:

If you'd like to commission me,
please read through my policy, then fill out a Google form for what you're interested in, or email me with details regarding your request~!
If you have any other questions, also feel free to DM or email me!

Below are samples of songs I've worked on.



Our Memories

Vocals, Lyrics

恋する (Koisuru)

Vocals, Lyrics

(Yume no Kuni)

Topline, Vocals, Lyrics


Topline, Vocals, Lyrics

Last Time

Topline, Vocals, Lyrics

Tune/Time Commissions

commission status: closed

I can tune and/or time your vocals!Prices are in USD and start with 3 tracks per vocalist.
Max of 2 free revisions.

additional tracks = $2 | extra revisions = $1
Overlap tracks are not charged.

Time OnlyTune OnlyTime + Tune

Click here for samples of my work:

If you'd like to commission me,
please read through my policy, then fill out a Google form for what you're interested in, or email me with details regarding your request~!
If you have any other questions, also feel free to DM or email me!


Updated July 4, 2023

● I reserve the right to decline any commission request without stating reason.● A first-come first-serve system will be used to complete commissions unless a rush fee has been paid.● No refunds will be made unless I have not started on your commission.● Payment will be through PayPal or Stripe in USD. As I am US-based, Venmo is also possible.● Clients are not permitted, under any circumstance, to use any part of the commissioned work in any blockchain-related technology, including non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and cryptocurrency. Use of any commissioned music, vocals, or lyrics for any advertisements or profits associated with cryptocurrency is prohibited.● Clients are not permitted, under any circumstance, to use any part of the commissioned work in any voice-AI training. Use of any commissioned music, vocals, or lyrics for AI training is prohibited.

For Vocal Production/Songwriting Comms
● For commercial projects, you may monetize the song with the vocals, melody, and/or lyrics I have created. However, I retain the rights to use it as a sample in my portfolio or for promotion.
● You understand that prices are subject to change due to the nature of your request.● WIPS will be provided by request. There will be a total of 3 free revisions (from the final WIP) before extra charges.For Tune/Time Comms
● There will be a total of 2 free revisions (eg. you want me to time something differently/in a specific way, you decide you want to re-record a line/choose a different take and have me re-tune/time it, etc.) outside of any errors on my end before extra charges.


Vocal Production/Songwriting
● If requesting a commission through email, please write
"Commission - VOCAL/SONGWRITING - [Name]" on the subject line.
If sending vocal guides, please provide an a cappella version also. Additionally, please be sure to label them (eg. melody guide, melody guide vocals only, harmony guide, etc.).If requesting lyrics, try and be as clear as possible on the subject or theme that you'd like for your song. If you don't have an exact vision or you don't mind, I will be using my creative liberties, so please be aware of this.Tune/Time
● If requesting a commission through email, please write
"Commission - TUNE/TIME - [Name]" on the subject line.
● Please send vocal tracks in .wav format.● Please be sure that your lines are not overlapping.
(overlapping lines should be on a separate track).
● It would be appreciated if you would please name your tracks as so:
(eg. NakasaAdlib1_WorldIsMine)

By filling out and submitting a Google form or emailing me about a commission request, you agree to the terms on this page.

Regarding credit, you can credit me as Nakasa and a link to my YT or twitter or both is fine.


Updated July 4, 2023

● I reserve the right to decline any commission request without stating reason.● A first-come first-serve system will be used to complete commissions unless a rush fee has been paid.● No refunds will be made unless I have not started on your commission.● Payment will be through PayPal or Stripe in USD. As I am US-based, Venmo is also possible.

For Vocal Production/Songwriting Comms
● For commercial projects, you may monetize the song with the vocals, melody, and/or lyrics I have created. However, I retain the rights to use it as a sample in my portfolio or for promotion.
● You understand that prices are subject to change due to the nature of your request.● WIPS will be provided by request. There will be a total of 3 free revisions (from the final WIP) before extra charges.For Tune/Time Comms
● There will be a total of 2 free revisions (eg. you want me to time something differently/in a specific way or you decide you want to re-record a line and have me re-tune/time it, etc.) before extra charges.


Vocal Production/Songwriting
● If requesting a commission through email, please write
"Commission - VOCAL PROD/SONGWRITING - [Name]" on the subject line.
If sending vocal guides, please provide an a cappella version also. Additionally, please be sure to label them (eg. melody guide, melody guide vocals only, harmony guide, etc.).If requesting lyrics, try and be as clear as possible on the subject or theme that you'd like for your song. If you don't have an exact vision or you don't mind, I will be using my creative liberties, so please be aware of this. The same goes for any toplining you need me to do; please be clear if you want me to follow the melody guide as exactly as possible or if you have a general idea for a certain sound.Tune/Time
● If requesting a commission through email, please write
"Commission - TUNE/TIME - [Name]" on the subject line.
● Please send vocal tracks in .wav format.● Please be sure that your lines are not overlapping.
(overlapping lines should be on a separate track).
● It would be appreciated if you would please name your tracks as so:
(eg. NakasaAdlib1_WorldIsMine)

By filling out and submitting a Google form or emailing me about a commission request, you agree to the terms on this page.

Regarding credit, you can credit me as Nakasa and a link to my YT or twitter or both is fine.

If you're interested in commissioning me, please fill out a form and I'll get back to you shortly!

If you're interested in commissioning me, please fill out a form and I'll get back to you shortly!

If you're interested in commissioning me, please fill out a form and I'll get back to you shortly!

If you're interested in commissioning me, please fill out a form and I'll get back to you shortly!

If you're interested in commissioning me, please fill out a form and I'll get back to you shortly!

For business inquiries, you can email me here:

[email protected]

Hello~! I'm Nakasa and I love singing and creating music (and fish)!I also dabble in voice acting from time to time, but would love to be involved with more projects.I can also do audio editing and I offer tuning and timing services. If you're interested in commissioning me, check out my commission info!Thank you for the consideration~-
Microphone: Rode NT1
Software: Adobe Audition, Melodyne, Reaper